Sexual Problems Treatment
Sexually Transmitted Diseases ( STDs) are on rise in Mohali, Chandigarh and Punjab. This may be due to westernisation of society. We at Dr Walia Skin Clinic promote youngsters to know about safe sex and thus prevent spread of sexually transmitted diseases in community. Most common method of spread is skin to skin without condom protection. Other modes of spread like IV drug users are limited to HIV, hepatitis B & C. Almost all STDs are prevented by condoms though 100% protection is not present if lesions are present outside the area covered by condom.
Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases start with precautions during sex. Reason a person who comes to clinic with one sexually transmitted disease is more venerable to other STDs and for that patient and community use of condom is very important.
These STDs can manifest in a number of ways like painful ulcer, vaginal or urethral discharge , can also present as painless lesion like warts and in syphilis. Other manifestations can be abdominal pain , scrotal swelling etc. These STDs can cause various complications like infertility if not treated at time and adequately.
So early and adequate treatment of these STDs is very important. In addition to this, evaluation and treatment of partner and proper follow up is must to prevent recurrence.
Sexual dysfunction is normally treated by correcting or addressing the underlying problem or problems that are causing the dysfunction.
Various treatment options available for these sexually transmitted diseases in our clinic are:
- Antibiotics for Syphilis and Gonorrhoea
- Antiviral for Herpetic ulcer
- Penicillin for Syphilis
- For HIV/AIDS, latest antiretroviral therapy is available that keeps the HIV levels in check and improve the quality of life.
Treatment options for Genital Warts are:-
- Podophyllin treatment
- Chemical Cautery
- RFC( Radiofrequency cautery)
- Cryotherapy
For Molluscum Contagiosum:-
- Simple Extraction