Laser Hair Reduction

Laser hair removal is a quick, easy, non-invasive and non surgical method of reducing unwanted hair from human face and body. It is highly effective for excessive hair growth, especially in cases of hormonal imbalance like PCOD and PCOS. It is a hassle free method as compared to threading, waxing and plucking.
Want to know more about laser hair reduction?
Here are some points:
How do lasers remove unwanted hair?
Lasers produce a specific wavelength of light that passes through the skin and is absorbed by the hair follicle. The light damages the hair follicle and disrupts its growth, causing the hair to fall out. Any hair that does grow back will be thinner and finer.
Moveo is a fast and high power laser platform for hair removal treatments. It is equipped with two complementary wavelengths, 755 nm Alexandrite (the only effective one for fine and fair hair).
+1064 nm Nd:YAG that penetrates deeper into the skin for better.
How will Moveo benefit as compared to other Laser systems?
- Moveo is suitable for all type of skin tone like dark or fair and all types of hair may it be fine or fair
- Moveo offers better speed and safety than conventional machines
- Moveo is painless hair removal procedure
What is the unique technological advantage in Moveo?
Moveo comes with Moveo HR technology which consists of multiple passes over small defined areas. This causes gradual heating and destruction of unwanted hairs. The procedure is virtually painless and with virtually zero side effects.
Is Moveo approved by regulatory authorities?
Yes, It is approved by USFDA.
What are indications of laser hair reduction?
Apart from removal of unwanted hairs for cosmetic reasons, it is also helpful in medical conditions like hiradenitis suppurativa, pseudofolliculitis, pilonidal sinus etc.

Which body parts can be treat with laser hair reduction?
Laser hair reduction can be use for any hair bearing site except the eyelids. Most commonly treated sites are chin, upper lip, side locks, cheeks, brow line, underarms ,arms, legs, bikini area.
How many sittings are require?
Is it permanent?
Laser hair removal is permanent in only hormone independent areas like eyebrows & underarms. Below neck usually hormone effects are less and results are more or less long term.
Areas like the chin, side locks, upper lip may need maintenance sittings in some patients. Laser hair removal is the best and most rewarding treatment available at present.
Can males go for laser hair reduction?
Yes, In both males and females, laser hair reduction is effective, rather in males as hair are thick better the result. In males with acne nuchae keloidis laser hair removal from nape of neck should be complete at the earliest.
What is the age limit for laser hair reduction?
What are the precautions before the procedure?
Always consult a dermatologist before opting for the procedure. The doctor assesses the sites and decides on the type of laser to be used and the energy parameters to be employed. Also the type of skin, hair growth and skin pigmentation are considered before starting the procedure. It is prudent to avoid waxing, plucking, threading at least 10 days before laser. Razor can be completed in between. Application of sunscreen and sun protection measures should be started before starting laser therapy.
What is to expected on the day of procedure?
On the day of the procedure, the hairs are trimmed with a trimmer or razor. The area is cleaned thoroughly. Local anesthesia is rarely used, however, in patients with poor pain tolerance, anesthetic cream can be applied on the affected area 30-45 minutes before the procedure. During the procedure, cooling is done with ice packs or specialized cooling machines. After the procedure, the doctor will prescribe an ointment be applied on the treated area.
Laser hair reduction should be avoided in case of active skin infection and wounds at the laser sight. In case the patient is on drugs which can lead to photosensitivity e.g. Minocycline, laser hair reduction should only be done after consultation with a dermatologist.
Will the hair grow back?
Eventually some hair will grow back, but much thinner and finer. Occasional touch-up treatments are recommended.
What are the side effects of laser hair reduction?
The procedure is very safe when performed by an experienced consultant. Some potential side effects that can occur are pain, mild discomfort, vesiculation, local crusting, hyperpigmentation. Localized hypertrichosis is rare and can occur due to inadequate cooling during the procedure. At Dr Walia’s skin clinic we use world class zimmer 6 for cooling with air, which simply rules out any hypertrichosis and makes laser very comfortable.
Whenever you plan to get the body or face laser hair removal one should have a fair idea about the lasers your center is planning for you. For very dark or tanned skin ND-YAG Laser is best, whereas for fair skin Diode is preferred laser. Another point to see is the mark of lasers used in the clinic, there is definitely great difference in results of quality lasers and cheap lasers. A center which uses zimmer 6 for cooling makes the process pain free and gives better results.