Does Smoking Cause White Hair
Can Smoking Cause Grey Hair ?
It is well accept that greying of hairs is a natural phenomenon of ageing in humans. There is also some evidence that age is associate with increase greying in mice as well. There is also evidence that gives us proof that smoking cause white hair. Premature hair greying (PHG) has link to certain autoimmune disorders such as autoimmune thyroid disease and many nutritional deficiencies.
Does Smoking Cause White Hair ?
Link between smoking and gray hair in both men and women and between smoking and hair loss in men has been reported. Because of this, PHG has attracted the attention of the medical community and it has been concluded that PHG associated with cigarette smoking can be a marker of early ageing of organs and thus premature morbidity and mortality. so we can say that smoking cause white hair.
What Makes Hair Turn Gray?
Graying occurs as specialized cells in hair follicles called melanocytes lose their ability to produce pigment (melanin) over time. It’s not that hair actually turns gray, but that new hair with less melanin grows in, resulting in a range of colors from gray to silver to white. White hair has virtually no melanin but, as an optical illusion, looks gray against a backdrop of darker hairs.
Illness Also Cause The Gray Hair
Possibly certain autoimmune disorders, as well as other conditions such as HIV infection, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, chronic protein deficiency, severe iron or copper deficiencies, and obesity may increase the risk of premature graying. In addition, some observational studies have linked premature gray hair to increased risk for certain disorders such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Aside from having mixed results, they only show correlations and do not prove cause and effect.
Does Stress Play a Role in Graying ?
While graying has a genetic basis, it’s possible that stress can hasten its arrival. One hypothesis is that stress hormones lead to inflammation and free-radical production. This in turn affects melanin production or the bleaching of melanin.
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