Back And Body Acne
Acne is an inflammatory condition of the oil glands of the skin and occurs commonly on the face, chest and back. Back and body acne, also known as truncal acne is often neglected and leads to scarring and post inflammatory pigmentation. It instead of which leads to unsightly skin appearance and low confidence. Especially brides planning for low neck dress in wedding get panicky.
Studies have revealed that almost 50% of patients with facial acne suffer from acne lesions on the back and chest. It occurs in both in males and females, usually in adolesence. Upper part of the back, chest and shoulders are most common site. Dandruff in scalp contributes to increase in truncal acne.
The lesions are usually in red color papules and pus filled lesions. In severe cases, nodules and ulcers and blood filled lesions can also develop which can lead to deep scars. Patients who have tendency for keloids should be very particular about early treatments of truncal acne.
What are the Causes for Body and Back Acne ?
Use of steroids, weight gain medicines and protein supplements (for body building) are known to aggravate acne lesions on the back and chest. Post Covid most of the patients treated with steroids get acne on chest, back and shoulder.
What are the Treatment for it ?
Various treatment modalities are available and the skin specialist chooses the best option after examining the skin type, type of lesions, type and amount of scars and pigmentation.
For local application, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, clindamycin based preparations are used. Short course of antibiotics may be required to control acne. Oral retinoids are used when the lesions are extensive and new pimples are appearing. In order to reduce the inflammation, prevent scarring and pigmentation, chemical peels like salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid, glycolic acid may be applied to accelerate the treatment and reduce the duration of therapy.
Treatment in case of body acne is usually longer as compared to facial acne and may take upto 6-9 months. No single therapy is hundred percent effective and usually a combination of different treatments is require for good results. Always consult an experienced dermatologist for the diagnosis and proper management of this skin condition.
For any further queries or for consultation regarding body acne, please contact us.
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