White Patch
NOT EVERY WHITE PATCH IS VITILIGO!! As a Dermatologist, I often get queries and requests for urgent consults by petrified parents for small hypopigmented patches on cheeks and body
BOTULINUM TOXIN FOR GUMMY SMILE In some individuals , owing to hyperactive muscles of the upper lip, the gums become exposed while smiling. This is known as GUMMY smile and it lend
VDRL & TPHA Positivity
International travel has boomed as a result of opening up of large number of global work, education and tourism opportunities. The most preferred international destinations for N
Tired of slogging in the gym for hours for a toned figure? No time to hit the health club because of your busy work schedule? Want to reduce your fat and increase your muscle mass
Urticaria – An Overview
Do you get hives? Does your skin become red after itching? Do your lips and eyes become swollen? Then you may be suffering from URTICARIA!!! What is urticaria? Urticaria is a skin
Tips For Skin Care In Winter
Winters can be extremely harsh on our skin. The dry chilly winds, low humidity and dipping temperatures take a toll on our hair and skin. So its important to have a good care regim
Chilblains Causes and Treatment
What Are Chilblains? Chilblains are red or bluish itchy, painful lesions which can develop on fingers, toes and rarely ears, on exposure to damp & cold air. Why do people get c
Striae Causes and Treatment
What is Striae? Striae are a form of skin scarring which is associated with stretching of dermis. Occurs on abdomen, buttocks, groin, axillae, thighs, back and breast. Striae fade
Back And Body Acne
Acne is an inflammatory condition of the oil glands of the skin and occurs commonly on the face, chest and back. Back and body acne, also known as truncal acne is often neglected a
Skin Allergy
What Is Skin Allergy ? Skin Allergy is something related to Irritated skin can be caused by a variety of factors. These include immune system disorders, medications and infections.